1. The peas were actually moist and fresh tasting.
2. It was warm enough to classify as "above tepid".
3. It was free.
Now on to the cons:
1. It tasted like airplane food. That pretty much sums everything up. You only eat the meal because it is plonked in front of you at no charge and you are physically unable to leave the "restaurant" and find somewhere else to eat.
I had some delicious snacks and meals while on holiday in Melbs, some of which were photographed and will be written up in the near future but I couldn't resist posting this immediately as a crazy contrast to Aubergine's amazing hatted experience!
Ooooh I sympathise completely. On a recent flight I chose the fish in white wine sauce (over the Shephard's Pie). The peas and carrots were delicious. The rice was made bearable by the white wine sauce but the fish was inedible.